Saturday, March 20, 2010

Starting Seeds Indoors

Since it snowed again today (after wearing capri pants yesterday!) I am starting my seeds indoors for fear some things won't have time to make if I don't! I had a bunch of egg shells left over from making breakfast burritos (which I carefully cracked the tops off of for this purpose) that we put some potting soil in and put in some seeds. You can sow these egg planters directly into your larger pots or the ground when they are ready! My five year old had a blast filling them with potting soil! The hubby built me a growing stand with some old lights that were taken out of a construction project and some scrap lumber! It's perfect! I hope to see pumpkins, flower, broccoli, bell peppers, and tomatoes popping up soon! The stand is in front of the large window in our garage where we'll use the lights for supplemental light to get in a few more hours a day for optimum growth!

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